Explaining the Story, Statements, Structure and Strategy Of New Wine Church
By Pastor Tayo Adeyemi
New Wine Church, London
New Wine Church, London
Sunday 25 September 2011
Foundation Scriptures: Matthew 16:18 & Habakkuk 2: 2-3
Last week, we understood that God has not called us to be freelance, lone ranger believers but that we need to make a choice and commitment to become members of a local church. We understood that spiritual covering, pastoral care, a conducive climate for growth, an opportunity for fellowship and wholesome relationships and identity were among the benefits of membership and we enumerated five obligations expected of you as a member of this church which are to make yourself, your finances and your gifts available, to support and pray for your leaders and promote unity.
Now today, we’re going to expand on one of your commitments to your local church. I want to talk to you today about fulfilling your ministry. Ephesians 4: 11-12 makes clear that apostles, prophets, teachers evangelists and pastors, were given ‘for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ. When most Christians hear the word ‘ministry’ or ‘minister’, very rarely do they associate it with themselves considering that it is the reserve of a select few. Today I want to disabuse you of that notion and help you to settle it in your heart that as a child of God you are a minister and have been called to be involved in ministry.
The word ‘ministry’ comes from the Greek word ‘diakonos’, which means to serve, to wait on someone or to run an errand. So, before we go too far with today’s message, let us agree on a simple premise – every member is a minister. Jeremiah 1: 5 says ‘I ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ It is clear therefore that you are a minister, even if you feel that you do not qualify.
Ministry is using the gifts that God has given you to serve Him and to meet the needs of people. So, your ministry must flow in both directions – toward God and toward people. Actually a balanced and well rounded ministry must flow in three directions: to God (Acts 13:2), to Christians (Hebrews 6:10) and to non-Christians (Matthew 5: 13-14). When we minister to people, whether Christians or non-Christians, we minister to three areas: their spiritual needs, their emotional needs and their physical needs.
In 2 Timothy 4:5 we are instructed ‘fulfil your ministry.’ Jesus said in John 4:34 "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing His work.” So, the big question today is: Are you fulfilling your ministry? Are you actively engaged in ministering to God, to Christians and to non-Christians? Are you ministering to people’s spiritual needs, emotional needs and physical needs?
In order to fulfil your ministry, you need to do three things:
(1) Embrace the truth that you are a minister: This is probably the most difficult step for most people. If you find it difficult to accept the fact that God could use a person like you, let me assure you, you’re in good company. All through scripture, we encounter many people who felt inadequate when God called them: Moses, Gideon, Saul, Jeremiah . . . and the list goes on. But the simple solution is to remember that God does not use us because of who we are; He uses us because of who He is! In fact, God has a habit of using people who do not seem to qualify by worldly standards. This is confirmed in 1 Corinthians 1: 26-29 which says ‘He chose what the world looks down on and despises and thinks is nothing, in order to destroy what the world thinks is important.’
So, remember that you are a minister; you are created for ministry, saved for ministry, called into ministry, gifted for ministry, authorised for ministry, commissioned for ministry and needed for ministry. Not only must you recognise that you are a minister; you must also recognise that your ministry is important. God has put a precious treasure inside you; and that treasure is needed. The church needs what you carry and the world needs what you carry. There is no such thing as an insignificant ministry in the church.
(2) Make yourself available to God. This is what is often referred to as consecration. In Romans 12:1 we are asked to give our bodies to God as a living and holy sacrifice. This is where you say to God; “Lord, here I am, use me as You please.” The reality is God only uses people who are available. No matter how urgent or how important the assignment, God will not use you against your will. When God calls you to do something for Him, He waits for you to respond and until you respond, nothing is going to happen. I wonder how many divine assignments are on hold right now because somebody in this room hasn’t said; “Here I am, send me.” You make yourself available to God in prayer, attitude and disposition and also in action.
(3) Get involved in serving: Most people want to wait to discover their ministry before they start serving. But most of the time, it works the other way round: You will discover your gifts and your ministry while serving. So, where do you start? Just start somewhere. If there is something you enjoy doing, start from there. But if not, just find somewhere to start and God will lead you to the specific area of ministry to which He has called you. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says ‘Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might;’ It is easier to steer a moving car in the right direction than it is to get a parked car to face the right direction. Don’t wait for some mighty awesome visitation or revelation. Wherever help is required, just volunteer. With time, you will know in what areas God has graced you or has not graced you. With time, you will discover what you do or do not have a passion for.
Another very effective way to know your ministry is to take a look at your shape as this is a clue to what God has called you to do. God has shaped you, based on the assignment He created you to fulfil. God created you with a unique shape; and if you study that shape closely, it will give you all the clues you require, to discover your ministry. God has tailored the curves of your life to fit an empty space in His jigsaw puzzle and life makes sweet sense when you find your spot. ‘SHAPE’ is an acrostic for five qualities about you that will help you to discover your assignment: Spiritual Gifts; Heart; Abilities; Personality Experiences. Let’s look at each of these:
Spiritual Gifts: This is a divine ability given by the Holy Spirit to enable you in serving others and in building up God’s church. Immediately from that definition, you can tell that your spiritual gift is not for you; it’s for others; and also, it is not for show; it’s for service. When you know your spiritual gifts, it will help you to know what area God wants you to serve. But it also works the other way round – when you start serving it will help you to discover your gifts. 1 Corinthians 7:7b says ‘But each one has his own gift from God’. You can be sure therefore that there is no such thing as a believer without a spiritual gift. I encourage every believer to serve in at least one area and in no more than two areas. I recommend a maximum of two, because you need time to nurture your relationship with God, your relationship with those who are important to you; and to develop yourself. So, we encourage you to have a primary ministry and a secondary ministry. Your primary ministry should be in an area where you are gifted and your secondary ministry should be in any other area where you are needed.
Heart: This is the centre of your motivation, interests, inclinations and desire, the vital force and driving impulse of your life. In Proverbs 4:23 we are told that out of the heart ‘spring the issues of life.’ The things you love, the things you hate, the things you notice – are all a function of your heart. It is the reason why you think, feel, say and do what you think, feel, say and do; it is a clue to what God has called you to do.
Abilities: These speak of your special skills, talents and aptitudes. Ability is something that you’re born with. In Exodus 31: 2-3 we see that Bezalel was given ‘understanding, skill, and ability for every kind of artistic work.’ In identifying your abilities, the question to ask yourself is; “What are the things that I do well without effort or struggle – things that seem to come naturally to me?” Those are your abilities and are a clue to what God has called you to do.
Personality: This speaks of your constitution, dispositions and temperament. Basically, the way you’re wired. Are you a planner or are you spontaneous? Detail oriented or a big-picture person? Are you outgoing or reserved? The answers to these questions are a clue to your personality; and your personality is a clue to your ministry.
Experiences: God never wastes any experience in our lives; whether positive or negative. All your life experiences are a tool in God’s hands to prepare you for your ministry. Romans 8:28 tells us ‘all things work together for good’. Your educational, vocational, spiritual and relational experiences; painful or otherwise – God uses them all!
So, now that know that God has called you to be a minister and you have the tools to help you to determine your assignment, you no longer have any excuse for not serving in God’s house. Now the big question is what are you going to do about it? God has called you to serve - will you answer that call? This is your assignment!
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