Wednesday 14 March 2012


TITLE:  Living under an open heaven

DATE:  24 November 2002
SPEAKER:  Pastor Tayo Adeyemi
TITLE:  Living under an open heaven
TEXT:  Matthew 16:18; Genesis 28:12-17

Let's examine what the expression "Open Heaven" really means. Revelation 4:1, "After these things..." refers to the messages of revelation chapters 2 & 3, which contained letters to the seven churches of Asia. The message had gone forth, restoration had occurred, the church is now mature - assuming her true position as the house of God and the gate of heaven
"...A door standing open in heaven". This implies that the pathway into heaven is no longer shut. It is not hidden, it is not obscure, it is not opening and closing. It is standing open - it is left permanently open. There is free access between both realms. This is God's ultimate desire for the church.
God want us to go beyond the place of the anointing or even the gifts of the Holy Spirit, He wants us to operate in the realm of His glory. In order for this to happen the door must remain open.
John 1:43-51. Jesus operated the spiritual gift of the word of knowledge, and then declared that an open heaven was "greater" - verses 50, 51
A voice like a trumpet: This speaks of the prophetic ministry. A clear, distinct voice, a loud trumpet voice - and it is speaking. It is making a declaration, it is giving a certain, definite sound. There is no ambiguity, no confusion, no question about what the voice is saying.
In scriptures, when a trumpet sounds, it is doing one of three things
•A herald - announcing the arrival of a king or an important dignitary
•Giving a rallying call - gathering God's people
•Blowing marching orders - signifying war, conquest and taking over
An invitation: "Come up here". Every time we rise higher in the things of God, every time we go forward, every time we draw nearer to God, every time we overcome obstacles and advance inspite of them, it is because God has invited us John : 44, 14:6 "No one can come to me unless the Father draws him" "No one comes to the Father except through me" Matthew 14:26-29 Peter walked on the power of the invitation
A promise: "I will show you". There are things, which have been prepared for us. They are ours to claim, but we cannot claim them unless we know they are there. 1 Corinthians 2:9, 10, Jeremiah 33:3
When a Church truly lives under an open heaven. She will be matured (assumes full stature), the door is permanently opened, the prophetic voice is clear, the invitation draws the people higher. Then the promise is released.
What are the benefits of living under an open heaven?
You have access to Revelation Knowledge.
•You are no longer limited by earthly information.
•You are as powerful and as effective as the amount of information available to you. Ezekiel 1:1
•Stephen - Acts 7:55, 56: Saul of Tarsus - Acts 9:3: Peter - Acts 10:9-11
You walk in the power of the Holy Spirit Luke 3:21-22
You have access to God's good treasure.
•There are various implications of this Your work is blessed - Deuteronomy 28:12, 13
•Everything in your life is productive - James 5:17, 18
•Your needs are met - Psalms 78:23-25
•You have more than enough - Malachi 3:10-12
You receive every good and perfect gift - James 1:17

How do you keep the heavens open your life?
1.The tithe:
Malachi 3:10, It started in Genesis 2:15

2.Persistent Prayer
Matthew 7:7, Luke 3:21-22 - the heavens opened when Jesus prayed. 1 Kings 18:41-45: James 5: 17,18 - the heavens opened when Elijah persisted in prayer

Psalm 24:7. The gates here refer to worshippers. When we lift up our heads the doors are opened up.

Acts 7:54-56. Sometimes the pain of persecution is what drives us to look heavenward. Sometimes the adverse circumstances around us create a hunger within us that makes us look for the pathways into the spirit realm


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