Wednesday 14 March 2012


DATE:  2 December 2002
SPEAKER:  Pastor Tayo Adeyemi
TITLE:  Incubating your dream. 
TEXT: Mark 4: 26-29

Every worthwhile dream takes its origin in God. - God is the One who gives you the dream. It was never yours to start with.
Many times, we run off and try to make things happen for ourselves; and all we get is heartache and frustrations. Psalm 127:1 - "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it" The most important decision you will make regarding the fulfilment of your dream is the decision to vigorously pursue your relationship with God
Mathew 6: 25-33 - "Seek ye first...." John 15: 4,5 Psalm 37: 4-7 - That expression "delight yourself" means to open your heart to God. It means to render your heart soft and pliable in God's hands. When your heart is yielded to him, He will plant the right desires in it.
"Quiet down before God, be prayerful before him, don't bother with those who climb the ladder who elbow their way to the top" - Psalm 37:7 Message Bible
The desires that God puts in your heart are a key to what He has already empowered you to accomplish.
It's as if God is saying: "If I put the desire there, then I have already finished it."
So God is the One who gives you the dream - the desire. But in order for it to come to pass, you must receive it and nurture it.
In Mathew we learnt :Seek ye first the kingdom of God and in Mark 4: 26-29, the kingdom is revealed.
Every dream from God is like a seed. According to this passage, for every seed to grow, it requires three things
1.The right environment
2.The right nurturing
Your dreams also requires these three things:
The right environment: Mark 4: 26
When God gives you a dream, it is not enough just to receive it. You need to put put that seed in the right environment for it to become to pass.
A seed is a powerful little thing that is pre-programmed to be more than it is But a seed will not grow simply because it is a seed.
Your dreams need two types of environment for its incubation:
1.Internal environment which speaks of your heart condition. It must must be one of faith and obedience.
2.External environment which speaks of the kind of company you keep, the books you read, the music you listen to etc.

The right nurturing - I cor 3:6
When you plant a seed, you need to water it. Your dream needs to be fed to keep it alive
Nothing stays alive all by itself. You must fight to keep your dream alive
What are you nurturing right now?
Timing - Mark 4:27-29
Dreams do not come to pass the day God gives them - there is a process involved and the process takes time - Hab 2:2,3
God's word will not neccesarily come to pass the day He speaks it over your life
The prophesy of gen 3:15 took 4,000 years to fulfil. But God was working on it all the time. And when the fulness of time came, nothing could stop it.
Ecclesiates 3:1 - Everything in life has a due seaso and an appointed time.
The devil will try to use the element of time to discourage you, but God uses time to prepare you and to complete the process.

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